Distance between the Agartala-Akhaura Cross Border Rail Link?

1.Which border of Gaza was first opened for foreigners after the Israel-Hamas conflict started?
(A) Erez Crossing B) Rafah Crossing C) Kerem Shalom Crossing
2. What are electoral bonds, whose case is in the Supreme Court?
A) A means of donating to political parties B) A process of voting C) Related to counting of votes
3. In which month GST collection took place highest ever?
(A) April 2023 (B) September 2023 (C) October 2023
4. India and Sri Lanka have faced each other in how many ODI matches so far?
(A) 127 (B) 147(C) 167
5. How many kilometers long is the Agartala-Akhaura Cross Border Rail Link?
A) 5 kilometers B) 10 kilometers C) 12.24 kilometers
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1B) Rafah Crossing
2A) A means of donating to political parties
3A) April 2023
4C) 167
5C) 12.24 kilometers